Monday, January 30, 2012

Now That's a Baby!!!

January 29, 2012 was a day that one family will never forget. For a mother of one with a second on the way she was expecting her baby to be normal, with normal features, normal capabilities and normal health issues just like their first son. That all changed when her second son weighed in at an amazing 13 pounds, 12 ounces! You would think that this baby would make his mother very weak seeing he’s almost double the size of what babies usually weigh. Well think again! She was up and moving the next day, no problem. What is really shocking is that she ever so courageously decided not to have a cesarean section and give birth naturally. Well kudos to her but you’d think with a baby that big you would need to at least have an epidural. Well once again you’re wrong! She had her baby completely old school with no medication and absolutely no extra help! Usually with babies that big it would be at the mothers risk to give birth naturally but she went through with it successfully and delivered a healthy baby boy. They were surprised that he had no health issues because usually when babies are that large they can’t breathe on their own for several days or weeks. But the family say’s that they are hoping he can grow up with no additional health issues to become a great line backer for the NFL. They are so proud to have this little whopper around and can’t wait to take him home!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Paper Clip Dentistry

Michael Clair was a well known dentist in Crofton, Maryland. He was well known and well respected. This was until he used paper clips during a root canal instead of the metal posts used to hold the structure of the tooth together. He decided to use the paper clips because it was less expensive then purchasing the metal posts. He didn't even consider the infections that the paper clips could cause. Michael had admitted to using the paper clips two times including the one that had come forth with the evidence. He had also committed many other crimes. This includes falsely billing medicaid for $130,000 between a period of two years. And he was also falsely prescribing multiple drugs to staff workers so that they could file the medicaid for him. He is currently being charged with two accounts of assault and battery, five accounts of Medicaid fraud, three accounts of larceny, three accounts of illegally prescribing controlled substances, one account of tampering with evidence and one account of witness intimidation. The court was first alerted of his whereabouts in 2005 but paid bail to release those charges in 2008. He is now a free man waiting for the final charges and his dentistry license had been revoked in three different states. If found guilty he could 5 years in prison for the medicaid fraud and ten years for illegally prescribing drugs.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Semi-School Bus Collision

 Yesterday, January 17th 2012, a Texas school bus was flipped over after being hit by a Semi. Police say that they are unsure of the official reason of the crash. That morning it had actually been foggy which could have caused the semi to miss the bus, but yet the semi was at fault for running a stop sign. There were 38 children on the bus that morning and out of the 38, 29 of the kids were sent to the hospital. One of the young boys was actually ejected from the safety hatch on the roof while the bus driver was knocked unconscious. Besides the young boy and the bus driver two other kids and the semi driver are all in critical condition.  Since the crash 26 of the children have been discharged from the hospital while some still have a long road of recovery.