Tuesday, May 22, 2012

30 Babies From One Daddy

And you thought that having a family of eight was so crazy that they needed a show for it. Well try being Desmond Hatchett, a man with 30 kids! Desmond is a 33 year old man from Knoxville, Tennessee who just keeps punching out babies. It just so happens that he had the children with at least 11 different women. He actually had four of the kids in the same year....twice! Seeing that he has so many "baby mama's" he decided to go to court to ask if he could have a break on child support. The state takes half of his paycheck and divides it up to the 11 mom's which leaves some of the mom's a check of only $1.49. That seems like a small amount but it's all they get because he works a job that only pays him minimum wage. In the past three years Desmond has had 9 kids and says he might be planning on having more. The state says that they can't stop him from having more kids because he's not breaking any laws.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Teachers Prank Students

Recently the students of Abby Kelley Foster Charter School were dance pranked by their teachers. The students were told that they would be asked questions about life and to give them their testimonial. Little did they know that as they were giving their heartfelt speeches the teachers would be behind them dancing sporadically. Some of the students did seem like they were holding back laughter but it turned out that the kids were just camera shy. After the teachers took the footage they added the soundtrack "I Wanna Dance With Sombody" by Whitney Houston for extra effect. This goes to show that you should watch out because you never know what your teachers are doing behind your backs these days!
Video: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/teachers-dance-behind-students-prank-video-set-whitney-202944093.html

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Not Such A Fun Ride

Recently a man and a woman were pulled over for having 4 kids strapped to the hood of their car. They had been driving four blocks with the kids on the hood when a witness called the police saying that he had seen the man and women tie the kids to the hood with tow strap and drove away. The kids 4, 5, 6 and 7 were all terrified but the couple said that they thought the kids would enjoy it. Luckily none of the kids were hurt even though the couple was too drunk to drive. The man had a blood alcohol level of .17 which is twice Indiana's legal limit. The woman who was mother of three of the young children was also intoxicated. The man is being held for bond at $13,000 on account of drunken driving and neglect where as the woman is set for bond at $2,500 on account of neglect also. http://maxcdn.fooyoh.com/files/attach/images/591/253/573/007/kids.JPG

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Suntanning Mishap

Yesterday in Beaver, Pennsylvania two 13 year old girls were run over while sun tanning. Police say that the girls were in the middle of the street tanning as they fell asleep when Samantha’s cousin, Nicholas Beck, ran the girls over. Beck says he stopped at a stop sign and made a turn before hitting them. When he went to check on them he had found that they were both conscious. After calling for help the girls were both air lifter to the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh where the girls are now in fair condition. Lesson learned....Don't suntan or sleep in the middle of the road!!!