And you thought that having a family of eight was so crazy that they needed a show for it. Well try being Desmond Hatchett, a man with 30 kids! Desmond is a 33 year old man from Knoxville, Tennessee who just keeps punching out babies. It just so happens that he had the children with at least 11 different women. He actually had four of the kids in the same year....twice! Seeing that he has so many "baby mama's" he decided to go to court to ask if he could have a break on child support. The state takes half of his paycheck and divides it up to the 11 mom's which leaves some of the mom's a check of only $1.49. That seems like a small amount but it's all they get because he works a job that only pays him minimum wage. In the past three years Desmond has had 9 kids and says he might be planning on having more. The state says that they can't stop him from having more kids because he's not breaking any laws.
This is really sad, these children are going to be very lonely.