Tuesday, May 22, 2012

30 Babies From One Daddy

And you thought that having a family of eight was so crazy that they needed a show for it. Well try being Desmond Hatchett, a man with 30 kids! Desmond is a 33 year old man from Knoxville, Tennessee who just keeps punching out babies. It just so happens that he had the children with at least 11 different women. He actually had four of the kids in the same year....twice! Seeing that he has so many "baby mama's" he decided to go to court to ask if he could have a break on child support. The state takes half of his paycheck and divides it up to the 11 mom's which leaves some of the mom's a check of only $1.49. That seems like a small amount but it's all they get because he works a job that only pays him minimum wage. In the past three years Desmond has had 9 kids and says he might be planning on having more. The state says that they can't stop him from having more kids because he's not breaking any laws.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Teachers Prank Students

Recently the students of Abby Kelley Foster Charter School were dance pranked by their teachers. The students were told that they would be asked questions about life and to give them their testimonial. Little did they know that as they were giving their heartfelt speeches the teachers would be behind them dancing sporadically. Some of the students did seem like they were holding back laughter but it turned out that the kids were just camera shy. After the teachers took the footage they added the soundtrack "I Wanna Dance With Sombody" by Whitney Houston for extra effect. This goes to show that you should watch out because you never know what your teachers are doing behind your backs these days!
Video: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/teachers-dance-behind-students-prank-video-set-whitney-202944093.html

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Not Such A Fun Ride

Recently a man and a woman were pulled over for having 4 kids strapped to the hood of their car. They had been driving four blocks with the kids on the hood when a witness called the police saying that he had seen the man and women tie the kids to the hood with tow strap and drove away. The kids 4, 5, 6 and 7 were all terrified but the couple said that they thought the kids would enjoy it. Luckily none of the kids were hurt even though the couple was too drunk to drive. The man had a blood alcohol level of .17 which is twice Indiana's legal limit. The woman who was mother of three of the young children was also intoxicated. The man is being held for bond at $13,000 on account of drunken driving and neglect where as the woman is set for bond at $2,500 on account of neglect also. http://maxcdn.fooyoh.com/files/attach/images/591/253/573/007/kids.JPG

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Suntanning Mishap

Yesterday in Beaver, Pennsylvania two 13 year old girls were run over while sun tanning. Police say that the girls were in the middle of the street tanning as they fell asleep when Samantha’s cousin, Nicholas Beck, ran the girls over. Beck says he stopped at a stop sign and made a turn before hitting them. When he went to check on them he had found that they were both conscious. After calling for help the girls were both air lifter to the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh where the girls are now in fair condition. Lesson learned....Don't suntan or sleep in the middle of the road!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One Direction: Chlamydia?

Recently, on their tour in Australia, band members Harry Styles and Liam Payne were urinated on by a 3 year old Koala. I'd say that's pretty funny, but to them this is a big deal. Liam even said "I'm genuinely scared. This is worrying. I'd have never picked the thing up if I'd known!" Reason being that Koala urine is a health hazard. Around 80% of Koala's have Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease which effects include kidney damage, protatitis, incontinence and severe conjunctivitis. The transmission from the Koala to a human is unlikely but yet can be passed to humans if they have a specific strain of the Chlamydia. Fortunately for them they have a very slim chance of transmitting it. Oh, and don't worry, doctors say if they did transmit Chlamydia it will be treatable.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Killer Swan

Yesterday at a local pond in Chicago, Anthony Hensley was doing his weekly job on the pond near his home when he was attacked and drowned. Hensley was taking his kayak out on his neighborhood pond to check up on the swans that he and his neighbors had placed there so that the swans could keep geese away from their properties. On his way out one of the swans swam towards his boat causing him to fall out. While he was in the water the swan attacked him repeatedly until he had drowned. Police believe that the attack happened because he had paddled too close to the swans nesting area. His family and friends are stunned by the cause of his death. They will be holding his memorial service towards the end of this week.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Heroin Show and Tell

Santos Roman, 35, of Kossuth St. in Bridgeport, Conn., was charged with risk of injury to a minor, possession of narcotics, sale of narcotics and possession of narcotics within 1,500 feet of a school on Monday April 9, 2012. During the brief appearance in Superior Court on Tuesday April 10, 2012, Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Nicholas Bove urged Superior Court Judge Earl Richard ordered Santos held in lieu of $100,000 bond. Photo: Contributed Photo / Connecticut Post ContributedOn Monday morning a 5 year old boy, from Connecticut, made quite a show at his weekly show and tell. The boy took his fathers jacket with him to school that morning so he could show his classmates what was hidden in his fathers jacket. What the jacket with held was 10 bags, each containing 5 folds of heroin. The boy pulled the the packets out of the jacket and waved them around in the air. As soon as the teacher was aware of what he had he confiscated the drugs and notified the principal who then called the police. When his father got the call of what had happened he drove to the school and searched for his son. After finding them, on their way out, he saw his jacket and looked for the heroin which was already in the police's possession. The boy is now in custody of his grandparents while his father is in jail for risk of injury to a minor, possession of narcotics, and possession of narcotics within 1,500 feet of school.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Is there a Squatch in your woods?

Last night at 2 p.m. the police received a startling call from a man who said "That he did believe there was a squatch in his woods." The man said that the so called Sasquatch was trying to break into his house because he had stolen his land. The home owner had bought the land in the woods a few years ago not realizing that the land he had chosen was right in the middle of the "squatches" den. He was going to report the Sasquatch earlier but didn’t have enough proof that the Sasquatch was after him. When the police arrived at the scene they had found what was not a Sasquatch but yet a deranged hairy man just trying to find a place to sleep. This man, found to the right, was delusional from living in the outdoors for 35 years with no shelter, very little food, no clothes and nothing to shave his hairy back with. After 5 hours of chasing the man through the woods the police finally caught the hairy man and is now locked away in the Door County psychiatric ward. He is being treated for multiple cases of paranoia, bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia.   

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Holy Boulder!!

Last night at 10:30 a boulder the size of a firetruck tore through the small town of Athens, Ohio. The boulder broke loose from the top of a hill and rolled straight towards the town. As it rolled it took down power lines, crushed cars, damaged an underground water line and ruined one home. The women that owned the home said that she thought it was thunder at first. As she looked out her window she could see sparks flying and thought it was lightning. Luckily when the boulder hit the house the family was towards the back side of the house other wise someone could have been crushed under it. The rest of the town was evacuated because they aren't sure how stable the rest of the boulders are. To remove the boulder their going to have to break it apart and carry it away piece by piece because of how massive the boulder is.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Harsh Grandparents!

A 13 year old boy was made to sit with his hands behind his back and on his knees as a punishment for not doing his homework. The boy was living with his grandparents when they saw he wasn't keeping up with his homework. They decided that as punishment he had to kneel on the bathroom floor looking straight ahead with his hands tied behind his back while holding a stick. It started at 7 am. and went until 4 pm. This wasn't a one time trial either. The boy was made to do this for ten straight days without any food besides a protein shake in the morning. After the ten days of kneeling they gave him three days of rest and then noticed he wasn't doing his homework again. They then forced him to do this process again. This time they were sentencing him to 20 days of kneeling from 7 am. to midnight. On the second day of punishment the boy escaped and was picked up by a person driving by that had noticed he was having trouble walking and took him in until the police arrived. His grandparents defence was that the boy had a mental illness and was clearly told this was a punishment but was able to stand up whenever he felt to. But, the boy had severe bruising on his knees and lashes on his back from his grandmother hitting him because he was caught moving. This story is under investigation and will be trials to come.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Faulty Tour Bus

Jerrod Niemann, a country singer, was on his tour bus after a benefit concert at the Tivoli Theatre when he was told to evacuate the bus as fast as possible. Jerrod had his family members with him after his concert in Chattanooga, Tennessee. As they were all boarding the bus, his driver told them to evacuate because the back end of the bus had caught fire. Everyone safely evacuated the bus and moved to the other side of the street as they watched the fire on the bus start to accelerate. There wasn't enough time to extinguish the massive fire and in return the bus exploded. Officials are looking for the root cause of the fire but believe that it was the heater that had caught fire to begin with.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Wisconsin Boy Hit By Train

A 12 year old boy from Wauwatosa, Wisconsin died after being hit by a train. A witness and the train conductor said they witnessed the boy walk out on the tracks and then stand there without attempting to move. There was no default in the train system. The cross guards had already gone down, the lights were flashing, all the cars had stopped and the train was sounding its horn. The young boy freely walked out onto the tracks with every warning given. There is no certainty to why the boy walked on the tracks but police are going into further investigation. The tracks are currently closed down for maintenance and investigation purposes.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lively Grandmother

A 90 year old grandmother is paying her tributes towards Whitney Houston by dancing to one of her many songs "I Wanna Dance With Somebody." Yes, it is funny to see she still has some moves left in her, but even though she may like her dancing she has no idea what it looks like. She is legally blind and has slight hearing loss. So try not to laugh too much, she is after all 90. She says the reason she's doing this is because she loves dancing and is very sad to think Whitney is gone. To check out more of here videos you can view her on YouTube known as adamforgie.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Deadly Tree

A women was trapped after being pinned to her bed by an 80 foot tree 4 feet in diameter. When the tree hit it was so powerful it even moved the house off its foundation slightly. There were four other people in the house when the tree collapsed. Her husband was trapped in the room with his wife but was able to move around. The three other people in the house were completely unharmed. There is no certainty on why or how the tree fell but they do believe that it could be because of the recent rain they had loosened the soil and then when the wind hit the tree the next day the tree didn't have a strong base to hold it up.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Animal Obesity

As Americans we don't only have to worry about children becoming obese but there has also been a steady rise of animal obesity. When people eat unhealthy foods like hamburgers and fries and feed the scraps to their pets, the pet too is being exposed to the poor nutrition of that food. Junk food causes not only people but animals to gain excess weight. Like humans if you lead a life with very little exercise you can become very over weight. Same goes for animals when your pets don't get the necessary exercise needed to lead a healthy life they too will start to gain excess weight. Animals have been found with kidney failure, diabetes, cancer, and shorter life expectancy because of their obesity. A way to prevent animal obesity is to try to teach your pet to walk on a leash or to feed them a healthy portion of animal food not junk scraps.  http://smilepanic.com/wp-content/uploads/Fat_animals2.jpg

Monday, January 30, 2012

Now That's a Baby!!!

January 29, 2012 was a day that one family will never forget. For a mother of one with a second on the way she was expecting her baby to be normal, with normal features, normal capabilities and normal health issues just like their first son. That all changed when her second son weighed in at an amazing 13 pounds, 12 ounces! You would think that this baby would make his mother very weak seeing he’s almost double the size of what babies usually weigh. Well think again! She was up and moving the next day, no problem. What is really shocking is that she ever so courageously decided not to have a cesarean section and give birth naturally. Well kudos to her but you’d think with a baby that big you would need to at least have an epidural. Well once again you’re wrong! She had her baby completely old school with no medication and absolutely no extra help! Usually with babies that big it would be at the mothers risk to give birth naturally but she went through with it successfully and delivered a healthy baby boy. They were surprised that he had no health issues because usually when babies are that large they can’t breathe on their own for several days or weeks. But the family say’s that they are hoping he can grow up with no additional health issues to become a great line backer for the NFL. They are so proud to have this little whopper around and can’t wait to take him home!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Paper Clip Dentistry

Michael Clair was a well known dentist in Crofton, Maryland. He was well known and well respected. This was until he used paper clips during a root canal instead of the metal posts used to hold the structure of the tooth together. He decided to use the paper clips because it was less expensive then purchasing the metal posts. He didn't even consider the infections that the paper clips could cause. Michael had admitted to using the paper clips two times including the one that had come forth with the evidence. He had also committed many other crimes. This includes falsely billing medicaid for $130,000 between a period of two years. And he was also falsely prescribing multiple drugs to staff workers so that they could file the medicaid for him. He is currently being charged with two accounts of assault and battery, five accounts of Medicaid fraud, three accounts of larceny, three accounts of illegally prescribing controlled substances, one account of tampering with evidence and one account of witness intimidation. The court was first alerted of his whereabouts in 2005 but paid bail to release those charges in 2008. He is now a free man waiting for the final charges and his dentistry license had been revoked in three different states. If found guilty he could 5 years in prison for the medicaid fraud and ten years for illegally prescribing drugs.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Semi-School Bus Collision

 Yesterday, January 17th 2012, a Texas school bus was flipped over after being hit by a Semi. Police say that they are unsure of the official reason of the crash. That morning it had actually been foggy which could have caused the semi to miss the bus, but yet the semi was at fault for running a stop sign. There were 38 children on the bus that morning and out of the 38, 29 of the kids were sent to the hospital. One of the young boys was actually ejected from the safety hatch on the roof while the bus driver was knocked unconscious. Besides the young boy and the bus driver two other kids and the semi driver are all in critical condition.  Since the crash 26 of the children have been discharged from the hospital while some still have a long road of recovery.