Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One Direction: Chlamydia?

Recently, on their tour in Australia, band members Harry Styles and Liam Payne were urinated on by a 3 year old Koala. I'd say that's pretty funny, but to them this is a big deal. Liam even said "I'm genuinely scared. This is worrying. I'd have never picked the thing up if I'd known!" Reason being that Koala urine is a health hazard. Around 80% of Koala's have Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease which effects include kidney damage, protatitis, incontinence and severe conjunctivitis. The transmission from the Koala to a human is unlikely but yet can be passed to humans if they have a specific strain of the Chlamydia. Fortunately for them they have a very slim chance of transmitting it. Oh, and don't worry, doctors say if they did transmit Chlamydia it will be treatable.


  1. Oh boo hoo they shouldn't of been so dumb to pick the thing up in the 1st place. I really don't see what the big deal is about them anyways especially Harry Styles... get a hair cut.

  2. Hey now Gen.. Harry is my hubby..

  3. Excuse me?!?! They are hot as hell...especially Niall <3

  4. Sorry Kierra :P But do you really want to be with someone who might have Chlamydia? Ewe.

  5. who wouldn't?! haha just kidding thats gross. sucks for them! HAHA!

  6. Well..considering they don`t have Chlamydia YES! either way I would be with him :)and Chlamydia is curable. You just need antibiotics.

  7. They don't have Chlamydia though? So there's nothing to be grossed out about. Yeah they got peed on, so what? I'm sure everyone has been peed on by some animal before ;)

  8. I'm sorry I just love them too much haha :D
