Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One Direction: Chlamydia?

Recently, on their tour in Australia, band members Harry Styles and Liam Payne were urinated on by a 3 year old Koala. I'd say that's pretty funny, but to them this is a big deal. Liam even said "I'm genuinely scared. This is worrying. I'd have never picked the thing up if I'd known!" Reason being that Koala urine is a health hazard. Around 80% of Koala's have Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease which effects include kidney damage, protatitis, incontinence and severe conjunctivitis. The transmission from the Koala to a human is unlikely but yet can be passed to humans if they have a specific strain of the Chlamydia. Fortunately for them they have a very slim chance of transmitting it. Oh, and don't worry, doctors say if they did transmit Chlamydia it will be treatable.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Killer Swan

Yesterday at a local pond in Chicago, Anthony Hensley was doing his weekly job on the pond near his home when he was attacked and drowned. Hensley was taking his kayak out on his neighborhood pond to check up on the swans that he and his neighbors had placed there so that the swans could keep geese away from their properties. On his way out one of the swans swam towards his boat causing him to fall out. While he was in the water the swan attacked him repeatedly until he had drowned. Police believe that the attack happened because he had paddled too close to the swans nesting area. His family and friends are stunned by the cause of his death. They will be holding his memorial service towards the end of this week.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Heroin Show and Tell

Santos Roman, 35, of Kossuth St. in Bridgeport, Conn., was charged with risk of injury to a minor, possession of narcotics, sale of narcotics and possession of narcotics within 1,500 feet of a school on Monday April 9, 2012. During the brief appearance in Superior Court on Tuesday April 10, 2012, Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Nicholas Bove urged Superior Court Judge Earl Richard ordered Santos held in lieu of $100,000 bond. Photo: Contributed Photo / Connecticut Post ContributedOn Monday morning a 5 year old boy, from Connecticut, made quite a show at his weekly show and tell. The boy took his fathers jacket with him to school that morning so he could show his classmates what was hidden in his fathers jacket. What the jacket with held was 10 bags, each containing 5 folds of heroin. The boy pulled the the packets out of the jacket and waved them around in the air. As soon as the teacher was aware of what he had he confiscated the drugs and notified the principal who then called the police. When his father got the call of what had happened he drove to the school and searched for his son. After finding them, on their way out, he saw his jacket and looked for the heroin which was already in the police's possession. The boy is now in custody of his grandparents while his father is in jail for risk of injury to a minor, possession of narcotics, and possession of narcotics within 1,500 feet of school.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Is there a Squatch in your woods?

Last night at 2 p.m. the police received a startling call from a man who said "That he did believe there was a squatch in his woods." The man said that the so called Sasquatch was trying to break into his house because he had stolen his land. The home owner had bought the land in the woods a few years ago not realizing that the land he had chosen was right in the middle of the "squatches" den. He was going to report the Sasquatch earlier but didn’t have enough proof that the Sasquatch was after him. When the police arrived at the scene they had found what was not a Sasquatch but yet a deranged hairy man just trying to find a place to sleep. This man, found to the right, was delusional from living in the outdoors for 35 years with no shelter, very little food, no clothes and nothing to shave his hairy back with. After 5 hours of chasing the man through the woods the police finally caught the hairy man and is now locked away in the Door County psychiatric ward. He is being treated for multiple cases of paranoia, bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia.